

卓越的大学预科课程. 非凡的兄弟会.


作为家长, you want to find a school with a reputation for preparing boys to confidently take those next steps.

在这个过程中你可能会遇到一些挑战. 你可能会觉得你的儿子在一个更大的公立学校迷路了. You’re worried he isn’t getting the attention he needs to be successful. You want your son to be surrounded by other motivated boys who will support and encourage him to achieve more than he could imagine.

It’s also important that he has opportunities outside the classroom. High school is an important time when your son develops new interests and skills. You want him to be involved in 活动 that will help him refine those skills — whether it’s athletics, 艺术或社区服务.

教堂的农场 学校这是宾夕法尼亚州埃克斯顿的一所私立高中.让男孩们走上成功之路.  Learn more about opportunities for our day students below, 包括:
Because of our strong college-prep curriculum and even stronger brotherhood, 中心毕业生全面发展, 适应力强的年轻人为现实世界做好了准备.



Because high school plays such an important role in your son’s future, you know that a positive learning environment is critical for securing the right opportunities. Discover what makes CFS different from a more traditional education pathway.

除了…之外 质量学者 and a challenging curriculum that translates to college acceptance, CFS offers a college guidance program to help boys find “best fit” schools. Students can take advantage of SAT prep and college transition courses and a variety of advanced and honors classes.

多样性是粮安委文化的核心部分. Your son will learn and grow with students from all over the world and from different backgrounds, 视角, 信仰和文化. The CFS experience often expands college options for boys who might not have had access or opportunity in previous school settings.

你儿子的世界观和价值观将被极大地塑造. The CFS experience will instill strong character traits and the leadership skills he needs for life. 学生受到积极的指导, involved in ambassador and leadership programs and participate in town halls to discuss important national and worldwide issues.

学校的四个核心价值观(尊重), 责任, 正直和兄弟情谊)定义了期望和设定 标准的 了解中心学生之间的互动. 植根于圣公会传统的基督教团体, 每周两次的礼拜反映了不同的信仰背景.

健康 & 幸福
Student-athletes can push themselves on the court or on the field at CFS. 的狮鹫 compete in 11 体育 that include championship basketball, track and wrestling teams. A variety of club 体育 and extensive facilities that include a gym, 馆, athletic fields and an outdoor swimming pool round out the program.

CFS毕业生是好奇和富有同情心的学习者, 引人注目的传播者, 健康心态, 身体和精神, 执着追求卓越, ethical agents for the common good and committed to global 责任.

Questions about 完美体育’s independent boarding or day school? 请完美体育的招生团队 (610) 363-5347 or admissions@gocfs.网.

Because high school plays such an important role in your son’s future, you know that a positive learning environment is critical for securing the right opportunities. Discover what makes CFS different from a more traditional education pathway.

比如寄宿学生, CFS students are assigned a cottage and are always invited to stay for dinner and study hall, 以及所有周末和晚上的活动. 许多走读生在大四的时候选择住在校园里, giving them a head start on living independently and preparing for college life.

完美体育 also focuses on personal 责任 and personal growth. This is embodied in a character-building curriculum and approach to helping boys develop good habits and self-confidence.

At CFS, your son will develop healthy relationships with his peers, trusted adults and mentors. He will be known and cared for and will be part of a brotherhood where each boy watches out for one another.
这里有太多的动力, whether it’s seeing the other students working so hard and succeeding, 来自学长和顾问的指导, or the genuine investment in our kids … expectation of achievement is the norm at CFS and the school has fostered an enthusiasm for academics and desire to succeed in [our son] Van.
-Morgan Beever,儿童安全中心家长
Day Program students benefit from small classes and academic support, so you don’t have to worry about your son getting lost in the crowd.

Faculty and staff work together to ensure our students are learning the life skills they need to thrive in their next steps. 学生获得学术团队的指导支持, 顾问和年级领导, 兼职教员和大学指导主任.

  • 70%的教师拥有高等学历.
  • 学生与教师的比例是5:1, 平均每班人数为10人, so every young man gets the individual attention they need to thrive.
  • 教职员工通过课堂了解他们的学生, 俱乐部, 体育, 活动, 建议和指导.
  • STEM课程采用尖端工具和技术, 以及跨学科的学术合作.
  • 学生们有43门选修课可供选择, giving them the opportunity to develop new interests and critical skills across a variety of mediums

想象一下可能性. Learn more about the Day Program at 完美体育 with this valuable 家长信息指南.

The CFS campus is situated on 150 scenic acres in Chester County in f Exton, PA. 我们靠近费城、纽约市和华盛顿特区.C. affords our students multiple opportunities that you won’t find anywhere else.

CFS学生参加戏剧表演, visit museums and participate in service projects for real-world 活动 that truly enhance the learning experience.

当他们离开慢性疲劳综合症时, 学生们为今天的世界做好了准备, equipped to navigate complex situations and able to grapple with ideas and challenges in college and beyond.

我们的毕业生100%被大学录取, 许多人被国内一些最好的学校录取, 包括:
  • 布朗大学
  • 康奈尔大学
  • 德雷塞尔大学
  • 埃默里大学
  • 霍华德大学 
  • 利哈伊大学
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学
  • Juniata大学
  • 普林斯顿大学
  • 罗格斯大学
  • 斯基德莫尔大学
  • 锡拉丘兹大学
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学
  • 范德比尔特大学
  • 瓦萨尔学院
  • 耶鲁大学

Our 校友 Success program will help your son get through college. 我们的毕业生生活在世界各地,从事不同的职业. 大学毕业后, 你的儿子被邀请加入中心校友网络, 这能帮助他终生保持联系.

The best way to see if 完美体育 is the right school for your family is to experience the campus firsthand. There are multiple ways to explore the campus, including in-person visits and virtual tours.

The 完美体育 is an independent boarding and day school for boys in grades 9-12 located in Exton, PA. Founded in 1918 to provide an excellent education to young men from limited means, 完美体育 now serves boys from a range of socio-economic circumstances who are seeking an extraordinary educational opportunity. The school offers a challenging college preparatory curriculum and an exceptional level of personal attention, 班级规模平均只有7到12名学生.